Training course feedback

If you have followed one of our training courses we would appreciate if you could fill in and submit the following questionnaire. Your feedback is valuable to us.

The results of the training feedback forms are used to improve scratchpads training courses.

First and last name. You can fill in the form anonymously, but we would appreciate if you could give us your name.
PoorSatisfactoryGoodVery GoodExcellentNot Applicable
I have a better understanding of what the Scratchpads can do for me or my community *
I know how to first set up a Scratchpad *
I know how to navigate a site *
PoorSatisfactoryGoodVery GoodExcellentNot Applicable
Create a page *
Create and edit a classification *
Generate Taxon pages *
Find and edit content *
Add a media gallery with images *
Add a locality *
Add a specimen *
Create and edit distribution maps *
Create a character project *
Create literature *
Import and export data *
Add new users *
Please select the person you was your principal trainer during the course
Please select the person you was your assistant trainer during the course. If there were several assistant trainers choose the one you had most contact with.
Please give us any other comments about your principal and assistant trainers.