
Eight case studies from the 550 communities using Scratchpads.

Scratchpads is an open source and free to use platform that enables you to work in a collaborative online environment.

With a Scratchpad you can easily create your own website to structure, manage, link and publish your biodiversity data.

This manual was generated on 2013-06-20 based on a selection of updated Wiki pages. This manual is distributed under CC0. Access all Scratchpads documentation at

Web resolution (72 DPI) Scratchpad logos in four different sizes.

High resolution (300 DPI) Scratchpad logos in four different sizes.

The default logotype is green but six other colours are also available.

Please combine each font with the matched colour from the table in the attached PDF.

All logos are available for both high resolution print ( 300 DPI ) and for web ( 72 DPI ) in four sizes: S ( 325 x 96 px ), M ( 750 x 223 px ), L ( 1125 x 334 px ) and XL ( 1500 x 445 px ).

The default font is Ubuntu, which is a free Google webfont that can be downloaded here:

In this zip file you will find different content types like taxonomies, images and taxon discriptions to be used for creating new content in training sites or our sandbox.

The data included here are based on the Liliaceae family (Lilies)

In this zip file you will find different content types like taxonomies, images and taxon discriptions to be used for creating new content in training sites or our sandbox.

For a quick overview over Scratchpads' features have a look at the Flyer. It describes Scratchpads on two pages and is easy to distribute. Feel free to distribute it.

An introductory to Scratchpads powerpoint presentation